Day and time
Day(s) - 04 Oct 24
14:00 - 15:16
Rundviks Folkets Hus - Nordmalingsbygdens Folkets Hus

DOCUMENTARY - There is a strange road in the middle of the wilderness far up in northern Sweden. It was built in the mid-50s and was supposed to go from Kiruna to Norway. They started by connecting five small villages in the middle of the route. Then the work was stopped and now there is a lonely road stump two miles long thrown out in the wilderness. Here, people from all generations – young and old – live close to nature and isolated from the outside world. For three years, director Johan Palmgren follows the quiet but at the same time eventful life in the villages along the road north of Torneträsk.
Price: SEK 125ägen-till-ingenstans