Alvik has been a hub for the tt otting in the Öre River during the era 1895–1977. Here was the arbitration site, the smithy, the manager's home, housing barracks, etc. Today, it is Öre boat club, Alvik's community association and individual property owners who manage the houses and facilities that are reminiscent of the arbitration point in the Öre River.

The people who lived and worked in Nordmaling municipality have for centuries had land and forest as their dominant source of livelihood. However, the forms of the industries have changed over time both in terms of methods and technology. The timber tt otting along the watercourses is an example. Once upon a time, tt ottingen was a rational way of transporting timber from the hinterland to the coastal sawmills. It is thus of fundamental importance for the development of the Swedish forest industry. Nowadays, tt ottningen has been closed down throughout Sweden and transports take place by truck and train.

Floating was a seasonal job that required large workforces, not least at the crossing points. Most of the otters were small farmers, crofters, miscellaneous workers and students. For these, the cash salary was a very important part of living.

From 1880, it was up to the county administrative boards to establish public fl ottleds, in which everyone was free to transport tt ottgods, provided that they were part of an fl ottningsförening. Previously, fl otting was also conducted, but the rapid growth in the forest industry forced stronger regulation of operations. The flotation in Öre älv was organized according to the new regulations in 1895. Under the auspices of the Flottningsföreningen, the business was conducted for 82 years. The end point was set at 10.45 on Thursday, July 28, 1977 when the last log passed through the Öre intersection.

Nordmalings kommun
914 81 Nordmaling

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Nordmalings kommun
914 81 Nordmaling

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