Ensemble BaraBarock – Baroque and Beyond 2024

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Day and time
Day(s) - 27 Jul 24
19:00 - 21:00

Nordmalings church


Ensemble BaraBarock - Baroque and Beyond 2024

Ensemble BaraBarock - "I LOVE and I MUST - Stories about love, tragedy, disappointment and hope

Emma Fagerström. Soprano / Yael Tishler, Recorder / Kerstin Baldwin Sterner, Harpsichord and Johannes Rydén, Baroque cello.


Henry Purcell (1659–1695)

One Twice Thrice (Z.265)

Mad Bess from Bedlam (Z. 370) From Silent Shades

I love and I must (Z.382)

Francesco Geminiani(1687–1762) From Cello Sonata no. 2 in D minor Op. 5 Andante, Presto

Alessandro Stradella (1643–1682) Trio Sonata in D minor

Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (1665–1729) Semelé Cantata for soprano, flute and BC

Prelude, Recitative-Aria,
Recitative, Recitative, Air


Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) Sonata for flute and bassoon RV 86

H. Purcell The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation (Z. 196)

Jacob Van Eyck (1590–1657) Doen Daphne d'over schone Maeght, from Der Fluyten Lust-hof

Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583–1643) From Fiori Musicali

Domenico Galli (1649–1697) From Sonata no. 1 in D minor for solo cello

Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (1665–1729) Violin Sonata no. 2 in D major Presto, Adagio, Presto, Presto

Jean Philippe Rameau (1683–1764) From Orpheé (RCT 27) cantata for soprano, flute and strings Recitative-Air tres gai

In Ensemble BaraBarock's new program we get to experience the different feelings love creates in us through stories about fantastic characters. We will get to accompany the brave Orpheus who was full of hope and heroism and who believed that he could save the lovely Eurydice.

We hear the angry and passionate lament of Dionysus' mother Semelé, who is so confused by her love for Jupiter. Let's hear all things love through music by, among others, Henry Purcell, Jean Philippe Rameau and Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre.



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