Day and time
Day(s) - 10 Sep 23
11:00 - 16:00

Follow one of Västerbotten's museum's archaeologists to the airfield in Olofsfors. On Hännäsåsen by the airfield in Olofsfors there are several military defenses that were built during the Second World War. Olofsfors airfield's interest group has recently marked several of the remains around the airfield.
We go down to Nordmaling and to the airfield at Olofsfors. From there we walk about 1 km up to Hännäsåsen. If the weather is good, you can bring a packed lunch and we can sit on the mountain and have coffee.
Bus departs from Västerbotten's museum entrance at 11.00 on Sunday 10 September. We expect to be back no later than 4 p.m. Participating in the excursion is free, but places are limited. First come first served. Submit your application by filling in the forms below by 8/9 at the latest. 4 p.m